12/28/2019 0 Comments An Ayurveda Winter“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” ~ Ayurvedic proverb Winter Diet According to Ayurveda The word “diet” used in the above proverb does not mean food restricted plans that we’ve all tried before. The ancient science of Ayurveda promotes the correct “diet” or food choices for each individual, depending on the current season and any current health imbalances. Food medicine looks different for everyone, and we all need to take back our power and listen to our intuition around what we put in our body. Instead of googling what to eat or asking someone else, ask yourself “What am I craving right now?” If your first choice is a sugary substance, that is an ignorance of intellect (i.e. I know I do not need that second cookie, but I’m having it anyway) and needs to be addressed. The idea is that you see blueberries, for example, and your mouth waters or you think about green beans and must have them. This is your body telling you that there is something in that food that your body is lacking and needs. For this winter season (known as Vata in Ayurveda), there is a tendency for the body to be constipated and produce dry skin, so we want to bring the body back to balance with warm/cooked foods like soups and stews as well as protein in the form of nuts and seeds. Small amounts of fish can be a beneficial protein as well, if that is part of your diet. Ayurveda aims to teach you what to eat by paying attention to what is naturally abundant in nature this time of year. All bodies work uniquely, therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all diet or food list. Top Tips for an ayurvedically-balanced winter season:
Faith Miller is an Ayurveda Health Counselor in New Egypt, NJ. For more Ayurveda tips, workshop schedule, and a deeper dive into your personal Ayurveda journey, contact Faith Miller at [email protected] and visit www.Ayurveda.YogaWithFaith.com. You can find this blog and more at Plant Based Nation.
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Faith MillerI'm sharing these personal stories and opinions that I'm truly passionate about in hopes that there is someone out there that can relate. Send me an email with any questions or comments. Namaste. |